Issues Resolved in 6.12.0

Released on 4 April 2018


ECA-6464 - Implement UnidFnr as a Module

ECA-6466 - YAML Based Configuration Export

New Features

ECA-1960 - GUI: End-Entity Search results usability (actions with buttons)

ECA-5752 - Split out CSS from AdminGUI template.xhtml and provide theme support

ECA-5840 - Create an ant script that automatically exports EJBCA documentation to a local directory

ECA-6477 - Create base classes for the web test module

ECA-6514 - Create test + pilot export with basic End Entity Profiles export using YAML

ECA-6515 - Finish End Entity Profile YAML export

ECA-6516 - Create CLI interface for YAML export

ECA-6517 - Create YAML export for Validators

ECA-6518 - Create YAML export for CAs

ECA-6519 - Create YAML export for Certificate Profiles

ECA-6521 - Create YAML export for EST Configuration

ECA-6522 - Create YAML export for Services

ECA-6523 - Create YAML export for Publishers

ECA-6524 - Create YAML export for Crypto Tokens

ECA-6525 - Create YAML export for Roles

ECA-6526 - Create YAML export for Peer Connectors

ECA-6527 - Create YAML export for Internal Key Bindings

ECA-6528 - Create YAML export for Ocsp Configuration

ECA-6530 - Create YAML export for Admin Preferences

ECA-6532 - Options for what to include and exclude in YAML export

ECA-6533 - Create module for YAML export

ECA-6543 - Add CLI support for EST configs

ECA-6544 - Update test.xmli for YAML module

ECA-6546 - Implement java.util.Map to YAML conversion

ECA-6549 - Create automated test for ECAQA-153

ECA-6550 - Create automated test for ECAQA-87

ECA-6560 - Create automated test for ECAQA-98

ECA-6567 - Create automated test for ECAQA-78

ECA-6580 - Create YAML export for User Notifications in End Entity Profiles

ECA-6606 - Certificate revocation using EJBCA WebService API through External (Peer) RA

ECA-6615 - Fail hard if building with Confluence pull property set, but Confluence server can't be contacted.

ECA-6617 - Ensure that the Confluence docs are automatically (and always) updated with the ziprelease.

ECA-6620 - Put a placeholder page in Documentation if building without any prior Documentation retrieved

ECA-6629 - Create YAML export for SCEP configuration

ECA-6634 - Support SCEP via the RA

ECA-6646 - Remap all ? links in CA UI from old documentation to new Confluence based documentation

ECA-6649 - Configdump CA fixes

ECA-6661 - Remove init code from UNID-FNR OCSP Extension implementation

ECA-6662 - Entity bean (protected data)

ECA-6663 - SSB (with logic to check signature)

ECA-6664 - Create Scripts for DB Table

ECA-6665 - Module for UnidFnr

ECA-6666 - UnidFnr upgrade handling

ECA-6671 - Add CA ID generation to clientToolBox

ECA-6672 - OCSP ext. UI selection per keybinding

ECA-6695 - Create automated test for ECAQA-138

ECA-6696 - Create a helper class for Web Tests

ECA-6714 - Add description field for IKB "Trusted Certificates"


ECA-6465 - Investigate the impact of curve aliases changing in BC v1.59

ECA-6483 - Add static code analyzing support for EJBCA code base.

ECA-6493 - Clean up warnings in CertProfileBean

ECA-6513 - Investigate and decide library to use for YAML

ECA-6553 - Update copyright year to 2018

ECA-6561 - Clean up and tighten up site

ECA-6585 - Create a CT logging Test Root

ECA-6720 - Remove old UNID-FNR properties from


ECA-2156 - GUI: Search forms layout and usability

ECA-2731 - Move all find* methods from EndEntityManagementSession to EndEntityAccessSession

ECA-3417 - CaSession.getCAInfo and other get* methods in CaSession should return null

ECA-3610 - Bring all CRUD methods from UserData to EndEntityAccessSession

ECA-3772 - InformationMemory and associated cache classes are redundant and should be removed

ECA-5382 - RA: Allow certain admins to see requests that they are not allowed to approve

ECA-5499 - Use Facelet templating instead of frames

ECA-5520 - Additional information shown for CSRs uploaded

ECA-5675 - Request custom search should have date help in the RA

ECA-5769 - Support for nameSpace in EJBCA CLI

ECA-5864 - Make it possible to change EEP of an EE

ECA-6298 - CaInfo.getCertificateChain should return a List instead of a Collection

ECA-6320 - Allow validators to render dynamic values.

ECA-6325 - RA Web: Make the EE/Cert Details page match the search page

ECA-6352 - RA Web: Add a link back to the EE when viewing a certificate

ECA-6356 - Create system tests for modular protocol configuration

ECA-6411 - Move ServiceManifestBuilder into its own project

ECA-6437 - Ability to specify a subjectAltName and issuerAltName when creating CAs with CLI

ECA-6479 - Approval Partition names are not shown in the CA UI.

ECA-6501 - Add sun/security/action to jboss-deployment-structure.xml

ECA-6503 - Remove Web Tests from zip release

ECA-6506 - Null Pointer Exception when viewing an Accumulative Approval Request in Admin GUI

ECA-6551 - Format validation message properly under QueryGenerator

ECA-6554 - clientToolBox test with 8192 bit RSA keys fails with exception

ECA-6563 - GUI: Improve punctuation in English language for Admin GUI

ECA-6565 - Clean up language files

ECA-6566 - Clarifying ocsp.extensionoid description

ECA-6583 - Command line option to turn Configdump exceptions into warnings

ECA-6586 - Append file extension to YAML files

ECA-6590 - Replace spaces and special characters in configdump file names

ECA-6592 - Make YAML keys case consistent

ECA-6595 - Configdump export should require authentication token

ECA-6596 - Improve debug logging in CT with some more details

ECA-6600 - State BR version in the drop down in key validators

ECA-6605 - Create a unit test to ensure that CAA record sets that contain no ISSUE/ISSUE_WILD statements allow issuance

ECA-6607 - Refactoring the message keys of actions

ECA-6608 - GUI: Harmonize all popup windows

ECA-6610 - Remove redundant CAA language properties

ECA-6611 - Move guides section from EJBCA homepage to Confluence Documentation

ECA-6612 - Create an atomic WS call to perform key recovery

ECA-6613 - Include ConfigDump in ZipRelease

ECA-6614 - Allow PKCS#10 challengePassword encoded as IA5String

ECA-6616 - Source Confluence information from a PK-only properties file to avoid leaking data

ECA-6618 - Remove legacy documentation from EJBCA trunk

ECA-6619 - More gracefully handle deploying a Community release on an Enterprise installation

ECA-6637 - Basic System Configuration YAML export

ECA-6642 - When calling WS separate error messages if not authorized or if WS is disabled

ECA-6643 - Report unhandled getters in ConfigDump as errors

ECA-6645 - Make crypto token page resilient agains NPE when downgrading to Community

ECA-6650 - Ability to provide password piped to PKCS11HSMKeyTool

ECA-6651 - Update all links in the PrimeKey site to point to the new documentation.

ECA-6652 - ClientToolBox: document that generatenewuser uses two WS calls, and reference to certreq for the same functionality with a single WS call

ECA-6653 - EST re-enrollment should not also require username and password authentication

ECA-6657 - Improve performance when add a warning to each key in the crypto token already in use by another CA

ECA-6658 - Run.bat not in ejbca-db-cli

ECA-6675 - Move release notes, change log and upgrade documentation to Confluence

ECA-6679 - ConfigDump should handle relative paths on the CLI

ECA-6693 - Add ability to set explicitecc Crypto Token flag when renewing CA using the CLI

ECA-6697 - Allow for the same CT log appear in multiple CT log groups

ECA-6701 - Add Last-Modified, Expires and Etag headers to OCSP Post Responses

ECA-6706 - Restructure OCSP unid extension module to ejbca-ejb

ECA-6708 - Update tests for ProtocolLookupServerHttpTest for new UNID implementation

ECA-6716 - Remove Unid Data Source configuration and clean up Unid tests

ECA-6722 - Improve OCSP Extensions section in Admin GUI

ECA-6729 - File upload for test function of ExternalCommandCertificateValidator broken for Firefox and Chrome

Bug Fixes

ECA-5683 - Unescape escaped characters in SubjectAltName

ECA-6110 - Save should result in an error when 'Required' is checked for Subject DN Attributes

ECA-6489 - Header/footer filenames in System Configuration get reverted to default values

ECA-6500 - Typo in about ca.keepocspextendedservice

ECA-6502 - Approval state is not saved in Admin GUI

ECA-6507 - Certificate profile Approval style broken/ugly

ECA-6508 - ${ca.tokenpassword} in cli.xml should be quoted to allow whitespace and empty password

ECA-6510 - Cannot create certificate with a plus sign in SAN URI field

ECA-6538 - Modify all calls to FileUtils.writeStringToFile(...) to specify charset.

ECA-6548 - Approval Profiles WARNING javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.renderkit

ECA-6555 - Approve Actions with Status 'Expired' shows when Status 'Waiting' is used

ECA-6559 - Regression: CA Functions page broken due to non-JSP friendly code

ECA-6564 - Replace the word 'Unselect' by 'Deselect' in English language

ECA-6570 - Default CA Id is incorrect when importing an end entity profile with a missing CA Id

ECA-6571 - Search for expired approvals in RA Web is broken

ECA-6575 - Regression: importcacert command does not work with parameter 'initauth'

ECA-6579 - GUI: Word 'Actions' with 's' in table column headers

ECA-6581 - Regression: Add End Entity with name constraints permitted causes stacktrace

ECA-6589 - Regression: Editing an EE with name constraints causes NPE

ECA-6591 - Regression: DynamicUiProperty radio buttons not rendered

ECA-6597 - CAFingerprint of certificates are not populated correctly when importing CA and user certificates

ECA-6602 - Missing last used EE profile in Admin Preferences causes ConfigDump error

ECA-6609 - GUI: Tables graphically broken on home page

ECA-6621 - RA Web: Alignment of Certificate table

ECA-6639 - RA: New role can not be created if RA-login-role belongs to Namespace

ECA-6640 - Advanced search of EE doesn't follow RA Admin profile restrictions

ECA-6641 - WS through Peer RA does not work without a local Role on the RA

ECA-6644 - clientToolBox can not create proper CVCA link certificates

ECA-6654 - PublicCryptoToken can't be used for database protection verification

ECA-6656 - Order of SAN fields should not change if it comes from the CSR

ECA-6660 - RA: A comma in the certificate subject DN is displayed with leading /

ECA-6677 - ejbca-setup quick install script fails to run SQL cleanup commands

ECA-6678 - Warning about missing IKB ID null from ConfigDump

ECA-6681 - Fix warning about missing Validator getters from ConfigDump

ECA-6694 - CMP Configuration upgrade does not work

ECA-6698 - Unknown key binding causes Internal Key Bindings page to crash

ECA-6699 - CT label requirements (e.g. Google / non-Google) are sometimes not satisfied

ECA-6709 - Regression: Certificates with tag characters < > in directory name cannot be imported

ECA-6712 - 'Use IODEF E-mail' and 'Use IODEF WEB' checkmarks are behaving strangely

ECA-6718 - keyRecover WS call forwarded over peer connection throws if not available locally

ECA-6723 - OSCP signing cache does not update properly.

ECA-6725 - Fields not disabled when viewing a Validator

ECA-6730 - Fix test failures due to NPE in CaTestCase