Issues Resolved in 6.15.1

Released on 20 November 2018

New Features

ECA-7202 - ACME system tests - analyse, improve and enable skipped system tests

ECA-7382 - GUI modifications in Edit Publisher for MultiGroupPublisher

ECA-7392 - Data structure for MultiGroupPublisher

ECA-7393 - Backend logic for MultiGroupPublisher

ECA-7395 - Code for converting between textfield data and MultiGroupPublishers groups

ECA-7396 - Implement PublisherSession.getPublisherNameToIdMap

ECA-7401 - Implement ConfigDump export for MultiGroupPublisher

ECA-7425 - Add SCP Publisher implementation

ECA-7426 - Implement Certificate/CRL Reader implementation


ECA-3917 - Warn user when trying to creating multiple representations of the same P11 slot

ECA-7402 - Add synchronization to org.cesecore.util.ui.DynamicUiProperty.values

ECA-7406 - Move EnterpriseValidationAuthorityPublisher from va module into plugin-ee module

ECA-7409 - Add option to send JUnit tests standard output to console

ECA-7416 - Speed up import of certificate directory using the CLI

ECA-7420 - Minor security issue

ECA-7424 - Move CertSafePublisher into plugins-ee module

ECA-7430 - Add missing "isRequired" CCE field to ConfigDump

ECA-7432 - Colour-code modular protocol configuration table

ECA-7436 - GDPR Adapt the Legacy VA Publisher

ECA-7442 - Allow creation of quick zipreleases without having SVN installed

ECA-7446 - Add authorization to CustomPublisherContainer.getCustomUiPropertyList

ECA-7449 - Security: fix minor scanner issues

ECA-7450 - Multi Group Publisher: Only queue certificate statuses that will be published

ECA-7451 - Remove leftover from certificatestore build.xml

ECA-7453 - Disallow deletion of publishers in use by Multi Group Publisher

ECA-7454 - Documentation for Multi Group Publisher

ECA-7465 - Documentation: Missing steps in AD publisher TLS configuration

ECA-7468 - Add revocation time to CertSafe Publisher JSON

ECA-7471 - Allow system tests to run with EJBCA not on localhost

ECA-7479 - Prevent compiling with Java 11, as long as it doesn't work

ECA-7490 - Use relative keystore paths in scripts

ECA-7493 - Allow any user of full checked out source to make alpha CE ziprelease

ECA-7507 - Skip ProtectedDataPKCS11Test when no PKCS#11 library is configured

ECA-7510 - DnFieldExtractorTest fails in CE version

Bug Fixes

ECA-7336 - OCSP warningBeforeExpirationTime not working

ECA-7407 - Probing confluence during build even if doc-update=false

ECA-7408 - Don't shadow remote EJB client classes in system tests

ECA-7411 - AcmeOrderData is missing ORM for all db types except "mysql"

ECA-7412 - ACME ORM XML for postgres uses <lob></lob>

ECA-7434 - Add modular protocol configuration to Statedump

ECA-7441 - EJBCA WS tests fail with SunCertPathBuilderException

ECA-7455 - Security: security issue

ECA-7472 - AcmeWorkflowTest assumes "which" is available on test system

ECA-7476 - Regression: X-FRAME-OPTIONS sometimes blocks admin UI head banner

ECA-7487 - Creating Crypto Token on same slot as database protection breaks DB protection

ECA-7489 - batchenrollmentgui does not build

ECA-7497 - Fix VaEnterpriseValidationAuthorityPublisherTest test failure

ECA-7506 - test:run fails to compile CertificateCrlReaderSystemTest

ECA-7509 - Extra field added to the legacy VA Publisher

ECA-7515 - NPE in getCaaIdentities when using ACME