Issues Resolved in 7.2.0

Released on 20th of June 2019

New Features

ECA-7943 - Add selenium test for creating a CA with partitioned CRLs

ECA-8092 - Remove Hard Tokens - a followup ticket

ECA-8113 - Add REST endpoint for cryptotoken management

ECA-8114 - Write systemtests for crypto token REST resource

ECA-8115 - Update static swagger file for documentation

ECA-8116 - Create REST endpoint for cryptotoken activation

ECA-8117 - Create REST endpoint for cryptotoken deactivation

ECA-8118 - Create REST endpoint for cryptotoken key creation

ECA-8127 - Create REST endpoint for CA Activation

ECA-8151 - Update CLI to allow viewing/generating partitioned CRLs

ECA-8249 - Import CVC CA CLI command should be able to import DVCA


ECA-8125 - As a tester, I would like to call Rest endpoints for both testing and utilities that will work internally and externally of a docker image.

ECA-8137 - POC: Remote access for REST using GIT

ECA-8141 - Testing: Integration / Verification Testing

ECA-8176 - Exploratory testing using Swagger-UI

ECA-8182 - Document new REST resources

ECA-8194 - Add example script for ejbca-rest-api/v1/certificate/pkcs10enroll to the REST documentation

ECA-8209 - -Ddoc.update=true does not work anymore


ECA-7059 - Remove properties files for CRLstore and CertStore

ECA-7272 - Security verification

ECA-7418 - Java 11: Xerces throws ClassNotFoundException:

ECA-8053 - Return correct version from REST status endpoint

ECA-8129 - Enable CT fastfail caching / backoff by default

ECA-8130 - Set up CT log test server and document it

ECA-8131 - Create DB update scripts and ORM files for new SCT table

ECA-8132 - Entity Bean for SCT disk cache

ECA-8134 - Saving SCT data to persistent table

ECA-8135 - Save and Read SCTs from persistent SCT table

ECA-8136 - Upgrade notes for persistent SCTs

ECA-8138 - Unit test of OcspCtSctListExtension

ECA-8149 - Code cleanup April 2019

ECA-8152 - Prevent broken certificate chain from being imported in the CLI using the 'ca importca' command

ECA-8156 - Generate URLs for URL rewrite with Client Toolbox

ECA-8158 - Documentation: Update CertSafePublisher description

ECA-8159 - Improve HealthCheck to also perform test signatures on the audit log

ECA-8165 - Create REST endpoint for CA Deactivation

ECA-8167 - Possibility to issue a final CRL with unlimited end date 99991231235959Z

ECA-8170 - Improve reliability of service workers in a cluster

ECA-8173 - Service workers always log success if the service ran, no matter the result

ECA-8181 - Warn when slot does not contain a key with the alias 'testKey' and relax the naming convention for these keys

ECA-8192 - Move REST resources into separate modules

ECA-8203 - CA token sign test should not sign with the same key twice

ECA-8206 - Use SHA256 with creating signed PKCS7 messages from X509 CAs

ECA-8208 - Refactor SCT caching to cache partial results also

ECA-8211 - Create a return type for publishers in order to track numbers of successes and failures

ECA-8229 - Debug log all steps in StartupSingletonBean

ECA-8230 - Base archiveCutoff on actual producedAt time instead of currentTimeMillis

ECA-8231 - Use the default CA of the SCEP alias, if no CA is specified in the message

ECA-8239 - Remove jsessionid from URLs on first session visit

ECA-8250 - Protocol Configuration for new REST resources

ECA-8264 - Update version in CT user agent to 1.1

ECA-8280 - Seconds in certificate's "valid from" and "valid to" fields (EJBCA API)

Bug Fixes

ECA-7739 - Using a certificate profile template does not select the correct fields

ECA-7828 - Drop down menu for 'Select Worker' under 'Services' is not responsive

ECA-7841 - Regression: Missing JAXB in JDK11 and lack of bundled API JAR causes complication error for Acme classes

ECA-8025 - Regression: Wrong CA-certificate is downloaded in the CA web

ECA-8079 - Edit CA page problems when creating CA from statedump

ECA-8099 - CA created with "Signed By External CA" has Serial Number Octet Size -1

ECA-8144 - Unable to change publisher type during edit

ECA-8147 - Regression: Cannot enter LDAP protocol CDP URL

ECA-8148 - Unable to edit and save access rules in basic mode

ECA-8153 - CertSafe Publisher throws NPE

ECA-8155 - Return not found on unhandled EST operations

ECA-8160 - does not detect current working directory correctly

ECA-8161 - Ticket #215 VIECA?

ECA-8168 - NPE in RA web when rendering view enrollwithusername.xhtml

ECA-8191 - Change the ocsp.nonexistingisbad.uri pattern

ECA-8215 - Converter missing in selectManyListbox

ECA-8216 - Installation: Ejbca.ear does not deploy on Wildfly 10

ECA-8234 - OCSP requests with missing issuerKeyHash causes exception

ECA-8240 - Typos in create database postgresql script

ECA-8243 - Regression: NPE when a service is not scheduled to run

ECA-8253 - Integer converter missing in selectManyListbox on LDAP Publisher page

ECA-8254 - Check and possibly fix public key AlgorithmIdentifier parameters when issuing certificates

ECA-8308 - OcspKeyBinding CSR is not compatible with Microsoft CA