Issues Resolved in 7.3.1

Released November 2019

    New Features

    ECA-6784 - Improved peer publisher reporting - Create and download report after manual synchronization

    ECA-8461 - Add the ability to view queued publisher items in the CA web


    ECA-7272 - Update readme documentation for dependency libs

    ECA-8450 - Add OWASP Dependency checker to Jenkins

    ECA-8638 - Update commons-beanutils to version 1.9.4

    ECA-8639 - Add CT changes to documentation

    ECA-8640 - Upgrade nimbus-jose to version 8.2

    ECA-8643 - Update db2jcc4.jar used for jenkins tests

    ECA-8644 - Update clover.jar, only used for tests, to version 4.4.1


    ECA-6205 - Remove unused method testImportFromZip

    ECA-6979 - If a CT-configured certificate does not accumulate enough SCTs, it should be written to update OCSP, but not distributed to subscriber

    ECA-8524 - Check for expired key binding certificates in the Configuration Checker

    ECA-8635 - CT systemtest - Precert store

    ECA-8648 - Notify if a search result is a pre-certificate in RA web

    ECA-8660 - Add GCM mode ciphers for outgoing peer connections

    Bug Fixes

    ECA-8377 - Regression: Fast-fail is triggered when a CT submission is interrupted

    ECA-8404 - CT publisher with direct publishing enabled, publishes old certificate on renewal

    ECA-8630 - Incorrect handling of empty subjectAltName in a CSR in the RA UI

    ECA-8658 - Error downloading CV certificate via Admin GUI search end entities screen

    ECA-8667 - Update CESeCoreUtils and back-port build.cesecore.p11.jar option

    ECA-8678 - Inspect publisher queue page shows wrong hour

    ECA-8685 - "CMP" mentioned in EST CLI commands