Issues Resolved in 7.5.1

Internally Released May 2021

    New Features

    ECA-9270 - Allow Intune verification to be performed from the RA

    ECA-9441 - Implement support for a keystore using FIPS compliant algorithms

    ECA-9972 - Create a Service Worker for Intune Revocation

    ECA-10010 - Use configured CAs

    ECA-10016 - SCEP servlet should update intune after cert issuance


    ECA-9658 - ACME agree to new ToS

    ECA-9792 - Add a button for importing certificates to an OCSP responder

    ECA-9833 - Configdump SCEP Import/Export with Intune settings

    ECA-9898 - ACME: Limit followed redirect codes according to CABForum Ballot SC44

    ECA-9974 - The domain ignore list used for CAA validation should be consistent with how domains names in certificates work

    Bug Fixes

    ECA-9372 - "Any CA" in Ocsp Pre-Signer Service has no effect

    ECA-9408 - Security hardening

    ECA-9903 - Remove Apache Velocity from /lib

    ECA-9977 - Regression: fails to import endentities profiles with notifications - need commons-lang3

    ECA-9984 - Allowed Characters changing after disabling User Storage

    ECA-10000 - p11ng-cli signperformancetest calculates signings per seconds incorrectly

    ECA-10007 - MSAE Configuration displays in VA instances

    ECA-10017 - Fix FindBugs warnings related to OAuth